Foreign Exchange Margin Trading
Leverage your investment in Forex market with low initial margin and commission waiver
How it Works
Product Highlights and Quick Facts
Offering Document
The following is an important notice to customer from the Bank and the customer is advised to read this carefully:
The risk of loss in trading in foreign exchange without full payment either on spot or forward contracts can be substantial. You, the customer, should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in the light of your financial position and investment objectives. In considering whether to trade, you should be aware of the following:-
This brief statement cannot, of course, disclose all the risks and other aspects of trading in foreign exchange. You should accordingly obtain independent expert financial and legal advice before entering into the Foreign Exchange Margin Trading Agreement and before trading you should carefully study the market and obtain independent advice again.
Unless the context requires otherwise, this document does not constitute any offer, invitation or recommendation to any person to enter into any investment transaction nor does it constitute any prediction of likely future movements in prices of any investment products.
The above information has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission or any regulatory authority in Hong Kong.
This service / product is not targeted at customers in the European Union.
To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!
Disclaimer: This document is intended for information and discussion purposes only, unless the context requires otherwise. The Bank and its affiliated companies make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness, and it should not be relied upon as such. The information is based on market conditions and is subject to change without notice. Unless the context requires otherwise, this document and the information contained herein do not constitute and should not be regarded as an offer by the Bank to you to trade in FXMT on such terms as set out above. Further, this document has not been prepared to be suitable for any particular person or class of persons, and the Bank makes no recommendation to any class of persons. You should carefully consider whether FXMT mentioned herein are appropriate for you in view of your risk appetite, investment experience, objectives, financial resources and circumstances, and make other investigation as you deem necessary. The Bank, its affiliated companies and any of its / their directors and / or employees may have a position or otherwise be interested in any transactions, securities, commodities and / or investment products that are directly or indirectly the subject of this document. Past return is no indication of future performance. The price of securities / investment products / rate of exchange may go up as well as down, and may sometimes fluctuate dramatically. The possibility of incurring investment losses is as likely as that of making profit. The Bank and its affiliated companies accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential losses arising from the use of this document or its contents except such losses as may directly and primarily arise from the Bank's negligence or willful default. Investors should consult their relationship managers or relevant staff of the Bank about the details of product features and risks. This document, or any part of it, may not be reproduced, distributed or published by any recipients for any purposes.